
Below are the rules and description of the Inn. Please take a moment to read this. If you are not interested with the description, at least take a look at the rules. Thank you!
IC Rules
*All weapons are to be holstered, sheathed, or concealed when entering the Inn. Bar brawls, fights, spars, ect are not permitted inside the Inn. If there is a dispute take it outside.
*Any destruction to the Inn will be paid in full to Katla. If you happen to damage property, it comes out of your pocket to replace said damages.
OOC Rules
*There is absolutely NO drama permitted in this room. You will only receive one warning before a ban is issued. Keep that in mind and leave all drama at the door.
*Please refrain from chatting when there is a roleplay in progress. Use the 'whisper' option if you'd like to talk with another.
Currency and Prices
Since this setting is more of a medieval fantasy era, the currency in which we go by is gold, silver, and copper. If a character seems to lack that type of currency, we'll be able to work something out in the roleplay for your payment options.
All alcoholic drinks- 5 Silver
Non alcoholic drinks- 3 silver
Meal prices depending on the meat and side dishes will range from 7 silver to 12
Price for rooms- One night is 15 silver. For an extended stay (such as a week or more) is 10 gold.
Katla`- Innkeeper/Owner
[Currently Recruiting Staff]

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