
Gender: Female

Katla Lykos

Race- Human
Age-21 years
Eye color- Hazel
Hair Color-Auburn
Weight-125 lbs.
Sexual orientation-Heterosexual
Love interest- Nobody
Occupation-Inn/Tavern owner
Residence- Mystic Creek Inn (/whois MysticCreek-Inn)

When Katla was a young child, approximately around the age of four she began to show unique signs of an amazing gift. She would spend hours outside, conversing with wild animals that would stray into her small yard within the village she lived in. Her parents, both frightened and confused by this gift, often detained Katla inside at all times in fear the other villagers would accuse the small girl of witchcraft. By the age of seven, her interesting ability grew more powerful and her parents were not able to contain the child indoors any longer. Katla would often sneak off into the forest when her parents were asleep to visit her woodland friends. However, when some of the villagers noticed this young child venturing off on her lonesome they began to follow her to find out where she was disappearing to. As they noticed this young child speaking to the various species of animals that dwelled within the woods, they returned to her home to accuse her parents of black magic or witchcraft. Her parents became disgusted with the child and began to disregard her presence day after day. As Katla began to feel neglected, she longed for life outside of her small, cramped little village. One evening, while she was preparing dinner, her parents decided it would be best to discard the child. They disliked the fact that their village had shunned the family due to Katla's odd behavior. When the moon was at it's highest in the sky, the child's parents fled into the forest with the girl and left her to fend for herself. As they carelessly left a seven year old on her own, they returned back to their village in hopes they would regain their normal, quaint life.
Although Katla is in fact fully human, she possesses the amazing trait of being able to speak to any animal. She can fully understand them, and they also can fully understand her.
Katla is not armed with any type of weaponry. However, when she was a child she befriended two certain animals that grew to be her allies and her guardians. A jet black timber wolf, that she had named Ryker and a raven she had named Tannis. They refuse to leave the young woman's side and both are equally lethal and protective of the girl.
Update: Janus has given Katla a single glove containing a fire spell within it. She currently is training with the arts of magic.

Ryker's Information
Weight- 275 pounds
Height- Approximately 3 foot
Eye color-Golden
Fur color-Black
Ryker is the main protector of Katla. His advantages in battle consist of his speed, weight, and strength. He is the force of the trio, constantly providing Katla with both protection and comfort.
Tannis' Information
Weight- 5 pounds
Height- Approximately 1 foot
Eye color-Ebony
Feather color-Jet black
Serving as a scout, Tannis is Katla and Ryker's look-out. When approaching threats are detected nearby, Tannis will report back to the two to inform them of impending attacks.

OOC information
-Please understand this character was made to be unique. It is very rare that I will engage her in battle. If that happens to pop up, be aware that I will use the wolf and the raven as fighting methods. Katla is not educated in the art of fighting.
-If you desire a roleplay I'm all for it, but please do not expect me to alter my character for YOUR needs.
-I am friendly enough. Shoot me a whisper if you're interested with my character and some roleplay.

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